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Prices vary depending on whether a partial or full service is required as well as the type and size of instruments to be processed with larger instruments incurring a surcharge. 

Regular instrument packs are considered those that fit inside our standard pouch size of 150mm x 280mm or smaller. Anything outside of this is considered a large item and will incur a surcharge.  


Examples of items that will incur a surcharge:

  • IUCD set

  • Vaginal Speculum

  • Surgical/procedure tray

  • Kidney dish

  • Small tray (270 x 200x35)

  • Medium tray (300x270 x35)

  • Large tray (400 x 270 x35)

  • Spacer

  • Gallipot


An initial charge of $47.25 covers the first 7 (or less) pouches or trays.

For every additional standard size pouch above 7, there is a charge of $4.30 per pouch.

For any of the items listed above, there is a surcharge of $2.90 per item.

Larger trays will incur the following costs:

  • 400x270x35mm (large) $29.40

  • 300x270x35mm (medium) $20.00

  • 270x200x35mm (small) $15.25

This price is inclusive of pickup and delivery. 

Prices exclude GST.  


Use the following example to assist you in calculating an estimated price:


18 x podiatry packs (nipper, blade holder, rasp, file, burr)

3 x surgical tray (nipper, scissors, blade holder, rasp, file, gallipot)

Total packs received = 21


Initial charge (includes 7 pouches) = $47.25


Additional charges

14 x $4.30 = $60.20


Large item surcharge

Surgical tray: 3 x $2.90 = $8.70



$ 116.15 (excluding GST)


This price is inclusive of pick up and delivery. 


An initial charge of $40.40 covers the first 7 (or less) pouches or trays. 

For every additional standard size pouch above 7, there is a charge of $3.25 per pouch.

For any of the items listed above, there is a surcharge of $2.55 per item.  

Larger trays will incur the following costs:

  • 400x270x35mm (large) $29.40

  • 300x270x35mm (medium) $20.00

  • 270x200x35mm (small) $15.25

This price is inclusive of pickup and delivery. 

Prices exclude GST. 


Use the following example to assist you in calculating an estimated price:


18 x suture removal packs (scissors, forceps, needle holder)

2 x vaginal speculum

1 x IUCD set

Total packs received = 21


Initial charge (includes 7 pouches) = $40.40


Additional charges

14 x $3.25 = $45.50


Large item surcharge

Vaginal speculum: 2  x $2.55 = $5.10

IUCD set: 1 x  $2.55 = $2.55



$93.55 (excluding GST)


This price is inclusive of pick up and delivery. 




Estimate a Quote

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